I joined the Scrap Exchange Board in August 2008 and immediately felt like I needed to have more creativity in my life. I started poking around in the store and thinking about what I could make and quite frankly, I got overwhelmed by the possibilities. I had heard about the yearly warehouse fabric sale and decided to check it out in October 2008.
When I got there and I started searching through the bins of fabric, it came to me - pillows - I would make pillows for our bed. I was not deterred by the fact that I had never made a pillow before or that I had no idea how much fabric I would need. I picked out my fabric, got it home, and proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it until July 2009.
Why did it take so long? I got busy. I found other “projects” that needed doing. The truth is I was missing a key piece of knowledge to make my pillow dream a reality. I know how to do basic sewing but I had no idea how to put in a zipper. I waited to see my mom in California so that she could teach me how to do it. Once I knew how to put in a zipper, there was no stopping me. In one afternoon, I was able to make three pillows for our bed.
I must say, I love them. I think what I love even more is that I was able to make some beautiful things I look at everyday with $5 worth of fabric that, if not for the Scrap Exchange, would have ended up in the landfill. So if you have a pillow dream or any other dream that involves fabric (or really anything else), you should definitely check out the Scrap Exchange before you head anywhere else.
Very pretty pillows! And you know, there's lots of ways to make pillows that DON'T involve zippers! :D
Jenna, I love these pillows. Great job girl! Scrap Exchange has the most awesome fabric.
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