Meet the Makers of the Durham Bull "Major":
Mike Waller and Leah Foushee
Scrap Exchange is proud to launch “Meet the Maker,” a series of tours featuring local artists in their creative habitats. Meet the Maker tours will be scheduled throughout the year to give the public a chance to see a variety of artists in their homes, studios, or neighborhoods and to learn more about their art. Meet the Maker tours will benefit the Scrap Exchange Capital Campaign, a fundraising drive designed to raise money to purchase a permanent location for the organization and to expand programming.
The first tour is scheduled for March 12th, from 3 to 6pm in downtown Durham.
Husband-wife collaborators Mike Waller and Leah Foushee, creators of multiple sculptures in the city of Durham, will lead a mile-long walking tour that will begin in the George Watts Hill Pavilion on 538 Foster Street in downtown Durham (site of the Durham Liberty Arts Foundry) where Waller will give a talk about the foundry’s history and its present and future goals.
Mike Waller and Leah Foushee
Scrap Exchange is proud to launch “Meet the Maker,” a series of tours featuring local artists in their creative habitats. Meet the Maker tours will be scheduled throughout the year to give the public a chance to see a variety of artists in their homes, studios, or neighborhoods and to learn more about their art. Meet the Maker tours will benefit the Scrap Exchange Capital Campaign, a fundraising drive designed to raise money to purchase a permanent location for the organization and to expand programming.
The first tour is scheduled for March 12th, from 3 to 6pm in downtown Durham.
Husband-wife collaborators Mike Waller and Leah Foushee, creators of multiple sculptures in the city of Durham, will lead a mile-long walking tour that will begin in the George Watts Hill Pavilion on 538 Foster Street in downtown Durham (site of the Durham Liberty Arts Foundry) where Waller will give a talk about the foundry’s history and its present and future goals.

Proceeds from the Waller-Foushee tour will be shared between The Scrap Exchange and the Durham Liberty Arts Bronze Foundry. For more information regarding this event contact Ruth Eckles at