It was with mixed emotions that I greeted my last day as retail manager at The Scrap Exchange. I’m excited (and terrified) to begin my new job as a mom, but I will miss coming to the store every day. After 4 ½ years, The Scrap Exchange has become my second home. I have met so many friends here (including my husband) and I will be sad not to see them on a regular basis (except, of course, the aforementioned husband).
The Scrap Exchange is a wonderful place to work and I have been continually inspired by the materials we’ve collected as well as the creativity and kindness of our customers and staff. I will of course remain a loyal customer and will occasionally fill in when needed, so you may see me shopping or working in the future. Thanks to all of you for the wonderful times I have had here. I am sure you will be as welcoming to the new manager, Alexis, as you were to me.